
Friday 11 September 2015



How being ‘born again’ almost ruined my marriage-Socialite-turned-reverend Dupe Oshitelu...


What kind of early life did you have?
My parents hailed from Ikene Remo, Ogun State. My both parents were from Ikene. I am the second born of my parents late Chief and Mrs Shorino. I started school in Ibadan. Later, my parents got transferred to Lagos where I continued school at St. Jude School, Ebute Metta, where my performance kept me in the A class. Along the line, my uncle told me to come with him to Ibadan. I thought I was going there for Christmas holiday, but on getting there, he didn’t want me to return to Lagos. He was the Vice Principal of Government College, Ibadan. So I was moved to Queens School, Ede. From there to University of Ibadan where I studied Theatre Arts.
Why did you study Theatre Arts?
I chose Theatre Arts because naturally, I am an extrovert. I loved the glamour of the klieg lights, it was an attraction for me. That was a great pull for me. However, I was afraid that my father would not approve of it. So I went to my uncle, Tunji Oshibamowo, who told me that if my father did not agree to it and refused to sponsor me, that he would take the sponsorship up because he believed in me. But fortunately, my father agreed to it, I studied that and came out with second class upper division.
But why didn’t you move up in the arts?
Along the line, I got tired of Theatre Arts. Even though the glamour drew me into the dramatic profession, somehow and gradually, I was repelled by the inside details of the lifestyle of people in the theatre industry. I didn’t like it. I would have loved to further my education in Theatre Arts, but I knew I did not want to be the in the theatre world. So I did the unbelievable, I relaxed in my studies. I bagged a second class upper degree and was not compelled to further.
Did you enjoy the course while you were on it?
Oh yes, I did enjoy it. I particularly loved the cultural aspect; we used to do the dances and all of that, but what put me off finally was that during the holiday in between school, I used to work at NTA. So I was involved in the practical experiences. Iam sorry to say, the lifestyle of people in the industry, the way I saw it was lax. The women rarely stuck to their husbands and the illicit affairs of many of them were usually popular gossips. It wasn’t the kind of work and future that I looked forward to.
So when you decided not to follow your professional calling, what next did you do?
I got an employment letter from the Ministry of Education; my name was first on the list, but I decided I didn’t want that either. I chose to work with the Nigerian Technical Company (NITECO), it was a motor company. That was where I met Joko Oni (Gold Rush). We were both working in the credit control department. From there, I moved to the Nigerian Re-insurance Company. It was a government parastatal, a young company under Chief Irukwu.
Did you enjoy working there?
I did. Though I had young children to cater for and look after, it was a challenge for me at work. Those who went to Ahmadu Bello University and returned with diploma sooner got promoted to level up with us or even sometimes got promoted ahead of us. Oh, it made me so angry that I decided to take up insurance as a course myself.
And I did. Insurance then was made up of nine subjects and we were to take three at a time. I took the three examinations and passed very well in distinction to the surprise of many in the establishment then. The Managing Director was impressed. I just wanted to prove a point at that time, which I did. I even had to take on some subjects which hitherto I had never done before. I even passed statistics which many usually considered a tough one.
How long did you stay in the insurance company?
I was there for 14 years.
Did you enjoy your years there?
I enjoyed it after the first year. In 1991, I was promoted to the management cadre. It was a tough one. There was a list which had to be taken to the Ministry of Finance for ratification. By the grace of God, only two of us were promoted to management from the long list of names. But surprisingly, later that same year, retrenchment came and I was swept away. I couldn’t rationalise it, but it happened. That was an issue, and then there was another issue. When we were being employed, we were told that the youth service year would be counted along with our service year in the organisation. But alas, when the time came to leave, it was not counted, and that is why I was not pensioned. Little did I know that God had another plan for me.
So what did you do?
One day, that same year, I went to do my hair at my usual place close to Palmgrove Estate, Lagos, where I was living. When I got there, the place was vacant. The owner had moved. Something in my spirit told me right there that it is my shop. It turned out that the landlord literally begged me to take it. Despite not having all the rent to pay at a go, he accepted to collect in two different instalments. I moved in and that began the big story of my success in the fashion industry. It was the birth of ‘Calvary Stitches.’
It was when I finished paying for the shop, that I remembered that I had a root in fashion. My mother was a good seamstress with a big workshop and lots of apprentices. Whenever I returned from school when I was a young girl, I used to go to the workshop when they had closed, take needle and thread to sew. Sometimes the needle went into my thumb, and I was taken to the hospital.
But I was into sewing right from the time I was in St. Jude School. I had even then begun getting money from it through sewing clothes for my friends’ dolls. We were using pennies then and a big doll attracted two pennies. As an adult and mother, I was making clothes for my children. Even while at the insurance company, I found time to make my clothes. My colleagues used to love the things I wore and some wanted me to make the same type for them. For good money, I used to accept, but didn’t think it could be done at a commercial level.
How did it turn out?
Before I knew it, a lot of work had come my way. The demand was more than I could cope with. I had to get a bigger place, so I decided to build my place. Fortunately within six months, I completed the house at Surulere. I was shuttling between Lagos and Abuja, making boo boos, Senegalese dresses, Kaftans, and so on. I was sewing for both men and women, embroidered gowns.
Who were your clients?
The then Lagos State military administrator’s wife was my client. That was Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola’s wife. I was making clothes for her and her children; also I was making clothes for the head of service, Funmi Da Silva, Remi Adiukwu, almost all the chairpersons of the local governments in Lagos, starting with Mrs Esther Osiyemi, the wife of the then Chairman of Mushin Local Government. I became a celebrity making clothes for celebrities.
At what point did you close shop?
At a stage, it became a hectic business in the sense that there were pressures, orders upon orders and when my workers would have all gone home, I would be there to ensure that an order was met.
How did you fare?
The stress was much, shuttling between Lagos and Abuja where I had a large number of clients. I didn’t know it, but I had overworked myself to a state. I broke down and was in hospital for like three months. And for a year, I could not walk. I had to start learning how to walk again.
You eventually closed down ‘Calvary Stitches,’ any regrets?
I enjoyed those days, I was sewing for women and I was sewing for the men, even young and old. I did suits for men and women with a large showroom where I displayed it all. If you passed in front of my showroom, you had no choice but to stop and look at something to buy. Then I used to travel regularly abroad and I shopped for fashionable items with taste that could blend with my clothing. There was a style in the way fashion accessories were combined with my clothing at my showroom, which usually lured women to buy even if they had to go into debt to do so (laughs). I was making money. It was the money I used to build the house and did other things. But let me tell you today, I have no regret that I closed down on that business. What I received was bigger than what I had to let go.
What did you receive?
Well, despite being a socialite, a fashionista, and a lover of parties while I was at the insurance company, I used to wonder about the lovers of Christ called ‘SU’, short for Scripture Union in those days. There used to be this peace around them and they went about claiming that they were ‘born again.’ I used to laugh at them. But one day, without any reason, I wanted to have that thing they claimed they have. So I went to meet one of them, and she laughed and said I was teasing her. But when I insisted, she finally agreed to take me to their lunch hour meeting. There, I joined them for praise and worship and then they prayed for me, led me through the sinner’s prayer. After then, they said I was ‘born again’! I laughed and laughed. I told them I remained the same person. They said no, that I am ‘born again’, that I should just go about saying that I have changed and ‘born again’. Soon after, I left the insurance company and started my business.
It took awhile, but sooner I realised I had started changing, even went on pilgrimage with the Oyinlolas’ and many important dignitaries. Sometimes I heard the call of God, but I was also neck-deep in my fashion work. At last, when the illness finally came, it gripped me and wrestled that work out of my hands. I had over-worked myself into an illness.
So you became ‘born again’?
Yes, I did for real. I started chewing the word of God. I started reading the bible. I told every new person I met that I was now ‘born again’.
How did your friends react to that?
(Laughs) When they heard that I was ‘born again’, they laughed and laughed. Some sent back messages teasing me that, if Dupe is now ‘born again’, it means they too can be ‘born again’. Of course they didn’t believe it.
How did your husband and other family members react to your accepting Christ into your life?
Ha, for my husband, it was a real tug of war. Though he was a theologian, but he felt that I had carried the religious aspect of it too far. Getting ‘born again’ for me became very involving, it meant I couldn’t just wear anything. I got home, went to my wardrobe and separated clothes that I could wear from clothes that I could not wear. It became a conflict for my husband who could not understand why I could no longer wear the clothes he said were lovely, fitted me and which I have been wearing before. He could not understand why I had to wear dresses that would cover all my body, head and ears. I wasn’t even going to the salon to do my hair any longer. My husband was not comfortable with it. Most times, he saw me with the bible and praying, and speaking in tongues.
But your husband was a Christian?
Yes, he was a Christian, a Reverend gentleman, but what I received was different from the norm. I received a harder kind of Christianity. You know how Scripture Union was in those days. It went deep. A lot of comedies and other television programmes that we used to sit and enjoy together, I couldn’t watch again as I suddenly saw them to be in bad taste with Christianity. He reported me to my father who called a family meeting. When I got there, I was told to talk. I told them that I will apologise if I had offended anybody; that I loved my husband and I believe that my husband loved me. So my husband then said, ‘Oti gba we re mo esin.,’ meaning: ‘faith has made her mad’. That he didn’t understand me anymore. He said I was now speaking in a tongue, that he didn’t understand and that whenever he came home, he meet me fasting and tasking the children on fasting. At the end, I told them that what was making them unhappy was (still is) what was making me happy and wished the happiness had come into my life years before now. I ended up attending a bible school and became ordained a reverend-pastor.
Was your husband late then?
He wasn’t late then. I didn’t tell him about the bible school because I knew that he wouldn’t have allowed me to attend the school. He wanted me to attend the church he attended, which his father founded.
When did you lose your husband?
That was in 2010. I still recall we used to have fun times together when he came from the university on weekends. He loved to go on long walks; he got that culture from his 13 years in England. So he used to take the children on such outings. They used to come back with stories of fun. He was interested in football. He was more liberal than me; when the children said they wanted to go for parties, he would give them money and wished them well. I wasn’t doing that.
Do you miss him?
I really do miss my husband. There are moments that I want to talk to somebody and want to be sure the person feels the same way I feel. I miss him more at such moments. There are things you only want to share with a better half, someone who is not complete without you. At such moments, I look at his framed picture on the wall and ask him why he left me unannounced.
How did he leave?
He was delivering a speech at the annual Association of Theologians Conference. He was a renowned theologian and they wanted him to personally deliver the annual lecture. I was not feeling too well too at that time, I had just been discharged from hospital. That night, I was home but he didn’t return.
What do you do now?

I make beaded jewellery and hats. Though I still do a bit of sewing but I limit my clientele to a few top society people. I dare not repeat the pressure of the past. Right now, I am the trustee of the Association of Dress Makers. I am happy God is building my jewellery business up. Now I supply to destinations abroad.

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