
Tuesday 23 June 2015


Scrap The Senate, Cut Assembly Budget By 90% And Earn As You Work...


Nigeria's assembly operates on an annual budget of over N150 billion, about $1 billion. They earn over $2 million a year, $2600 a day! This for 469 men while 80% of Nigerians live under $2per day with 100 million destitute, living under a dollar-a-day. Nigerian legislatures with this unprecedented level of corruption are in effect killing the people they are meant to represent.
The Nigerian government cannot seriously fight corruption until they scrap this redundant Senate, dismantle RMAFC, co-conspirators in the defrauding of the nation, and begin the course of downward revising the legislature budget to one tenth of what it currently is.
We therefore call on the Nigerian government of Muhammadu Buhari to go after these government excesses, including similar emonulments in the CBN and NNPC that covet up to 25% of Nigeria's oil earnings. We will continue our protests to help the new government deliver on its promises. All extra baggage must be cut-off. The senate is redundant and a burden on Nigeria, it must be discarded with.
At our protests we told the media and public that the senate is on record only threatening to impeach or expose the former president, three or so times. And in each of these events, one when the president and senate president threatened their seats, and a most recent when the former president refused to sign a bill that gave them life immunity and life pensions. The senate never threatened him when thousands of Nigerians died and millions were displaced and he refused to fight Boko Haram. The senate never threatened him when millions of Nigerians lived and died in poverty. They only threatened to impeach him including the ridiculous one days to the presidential elections, when he affected their personal interests. It is clear that this senate is not only a burden to Nigeria but a sham and a harmful criminal institution that must be investigated for intent to undermine Nigeria.
To this end, ENDS, Change Agents Initiative, Conscience Nigeria and other groups and civil societies embarked on protests since last week. We promise to continue nationwide and international demonstrations till our needs as Nigerians are met and we get true representation with legislators who earn what their people earn and live how their people live and have the challenges their people have. Our mission is to assist the process of change and help the new government deliver on their promise. As Progress Okuk of Change Initiative put it, “Earn as you work.”
We urge Nigerians to sign this petition to the Federal Government of Nigeria for:
1. the downward review of the assembly budget by 90%,
2. the scraping or overhaul of the RMAF Commission,
3. enforcement of 100% transparency in the assembly with open voting and,
4. the scrapping of the senate.
Letter to
Scrap The Senate, Cut Assembly Budget By 90% And Earn As You Work

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